Friday, August 12, 2005

My Room in Shambles

My Room in Shambles
Originally uploaded by Chris Winkler.
For the past week or two, my room has been in shambles. From the moment I started taking the posters off the walls (which created a weird echo), this bedroom has been a disaster area, with half-filled boxes, going from totally controlled chaos to out-of-control, to the point where I can't find stuff I need.

Tonight I'm moving from my bedroom to the living room (a cost-saving measure), to allow the new roommate to move in tomorrow. People ask if it's sad having all of these "last" moments, and I really have to say no. Though I'll miss the friends I've made, I'm looking forward to the next steps.

So...having mass chaos in my room is not driving me completely nuts, as it normally would. Much of my stuff has been shipped to Michigan already, and much more will be shipped tomorrow. For now, it's back to packing!

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