Thursday, April 20, 2006

Natural Athlete?

Some friends told me tonight, "You're just a natural athlete." I laughed at them.

Here's the context. A group from work had just finished running a 5K here in Orlando. I had finished in about 25 minutes, behind two other people from Wycliffe. Not a great time, you may think, so what would prompt someone to say that?

People were shocked that I never trained. To me, a 5K is not much; I've run several of these without any training at all. (At my first, during high school, I won a gift certificate to a resaturant because I finished first in my age group--out of one.) The real kicker was the 12K (Bay to Breakers) that I've run each of the past two years...without absolutely no training.

Granted, ultimate keeps me in shape, and I consider this excellent training for any other sort of activity. But by no means am I a natural athlete!

(On a side note, I confirmed today that I should be in SF on May 20 and 21...this means a third year of Bay to Breakers, as well as another round of the A's-Giants rivalry! Steve and Amy, we should talk about tickets.)


Anonymous said...

YES!!! Chris I will be there too!!! Except this will be Bay to Breakers #8 in a row for me. :-) I can't wait to see you - what an awesome blessing! Which reminds me; I'll be in Chicago the weekend before, and Andrew will be too! He is flying from South Africa for a conference, and we're spending the weekend at JPUSA.

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Chris, we definitely have to go the A's/Giants game when you're in town. Would Saturday or Sunday work better for you? We should be able to do either! We'll handle tickets...

Anonymous said...

oooh...going back to the bay to breakers, huh? i got an email about it the other day, and i was so tempted to go. maybe i will??