Friday, November 18, 2005

Porch Snow

Porch Snow
Originally uploaded by Chris Winkler.
A good indicator of how much snow has fallen is the snow level on part of our front porch, which is exposed. Here is a picture of it!

From the time that I wrote my entry Wednesday, I don't think it has stopped snowing for more than an hour. The sun was out for a brief time yesterday, but my guess is that we've gotten around nine inches. Not as much as near-by Lake Ann, which got 17" according to the national news this morning!

I don't think I've ever been so excited to see snow! Goodness knows I won't see much of it when I move to Orlando...

1 comment:

Ems said...

This is one of the things that I miss about Michigan so much...sadly we never get that much here in the UK.
Hope that everything is going well.