Thursday, November 24, 2005

A Different Thanksgiving

The past three Thanksgivings have been all been quite different from each other.

In 2003, I went down to hot and sunny Palm Springs, in southern California. It was spent with the family of a good friend from college, enjoying the hospitality of her grandma. Swimming, tennis, horseback riding, hiking, and fine dining were all on the docket for the weekend. It was something of a luxurious holiday.

Then there was last year. It started with a lovely dinner with friends from church in San Francisco. Following the turkey, there was karaoke upstairs! I made a bread pudding which would have made my mom and all previous holders of the recipe proud. The next day was my infamous Point Reyes solo backpacking trip. Well, I guess it wasn't solo if you count the coyotes and the kind folks who ran over to my campsite to help put out the picnic table fire. Long story...ask me about it sometime!

Today is another Thanksgiving, but instead of the heat of SoCal or the mild temps of SF, we are in a whiteout. Instead of the traditional Winkler-Dunn gathering of 20 people, there will be four of us (my immediate family) hunkered down in Boyne City, amidst a blizzard and prayers that a tree isn't blown over into our house. At least we can still watch the Lions lose! (Assuming the power doesn't go out, which is entirely possible.)

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