Saturday, September 22, 2007

Importance of Bible Translation

I recently read some quotes from Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi of Uganda. They were published in First Things, Aug/Sept issue, in an article titled "What is Anglicanism." I thought for everyone with an interest in Bible translation, or at least why I do what I do for a living, this would be interesting:

"Traditional African Society was solely an oral culture, which limited its ability to share ideas beyond the family level. We couldn't write our language, and there was nothing to read in our language. . .Because of the Bible, our languages have been enriched and recorded. For the first time, we heard God in our own languages. To this day our people bring their Bibles to church and follow along with the readings."

"The Bible has given us a moral and spiritual basis for transforming culture."

Pretty cool, huh?

1 comment:

Little Nova said...

Nice argument for those that call out Christians for being cultural imperialists.
