Thursday, January 17, 2008

MLK Jr. Day Prayers

Every day, many Wycliffe staff receive a prayer request, pertinent to something happening at the time. The most recent one considers Martin Luther King, Jr., Day and I wanted to share it with you all.

“You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies!...” (Matthew 5:43-44)

On Monday, January 21, we will observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a U.S. federal holiday honoring the life of the slain civil rights leader, Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. "Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." His words continue to offer guidance for us today as we experience and confront acts of injustice within our borders and beyond.

As we think about people who are marginalized within the larger society, those still waiting for Scripture in many parts of the world, ask God for favor and that they may soon have the Scriptures.

Pray for the peoples of Kenya (and others in similar situations, particularly those in the Church who need reconciliation). Ask God for healing of deep cultural divisions, for wisdom and understanding as well as strengthen their faith, allowing them to persevere in love, despite great trials.

Pray for those in this country who are suffering due to unjust circumstances and lack of reconciliation. Ask God to intervene and reign with truth and righteousness.

Praise God for Jacqueline Huggins, the first African-American female who, working as part of team in the Philippines, completed a New Testament translation. Ask God to use her example to inspire others to become involved in Bible translation.

Pray for the diversity efforts of Wycliffe USA. Ask God for wisdom and resources to enable us to honor God with our priorities and actions in these efforts.

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