I think most of the regular readers of my blog are aware of this, but many have been asking for "photo confirmation." Yes, the rumors are true: Chris Winkler is engaged. As I told some friends and family in an e-mail, when I worked in San Francisco, my good friend Wynter and I had a running joke. Whenever one of us would receive an e-mail from a friend letting us know that they were engaged, we would turn to one another with the line, "Another one bites the dust." We would know exactly what that meant.
I "bit the dust" officially last week, when I proposed to my now-fiancee Christie Bradford (she said yes). And now, the long-awaited moment where people actually get to see what she looks like. :-) This picture was taken this week, outside of the house where we will live after December 16 (Christie lives there now).
My apologies for any fainting episodes and shock that this news may have given you. I have heard numerous times, "You're the last person I expected to hear this from!" In reality, I didn't expect to hear it, either, but it all came from God. I hope to post more about our story in coming weeks.
whoo hoo! Way to go Chris! We're delighted with this news and bless the Lord for you and Christie.
way to go, big guy!! hope she loves baseball! very happy for you. we miss you at csm. gp
Hey Chris, that's awesome! Noelle mentioned that I check out your blog because you were engaged. I said, NO WAY! Congrats, and God Bless!
Go Heels,
Charles Williams (of CSM fame!)
wow! I had no idea, but Wynter was in town visiting this past week and told me the big news. Congrats, congrats, congrats!!
Megan B.
Congratulations Chris
Congratulations Chris! It's great to see the hand of God moving in your life... isn't it amazing how He can orchestrate things so far beyond what we could ever fathom for our own lives...? Take care - and enjoy this great time.
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