Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Language Survey in Nigeria

I've always thought that language surveyors have one of the most interesting jobs in Wycliffe. They get to go out into the field and assess a variety of languages in a variety of places. There are plenty of adventures to be had with this role and never a dull moment. (That's my interpretation and impression of their job, anyway. Reality might be a bit different.)

Nigeria, the country to which we are moving, is in great need of survey. Following is a prayer request that recently went out to Wycliffe staff, and I wanted to share it with all of you. Thanks for your prayers!

"Select three men from each tribe, and I will send them out to explore the land and map it out..." (Joshua 18:4a, NLT)

Nigeria is a big country with hundreds of languages possibly needing Bible translation. Exactly how many of these languages will need translations is not known – and that’s where language surveyors come in. Language survey, or language assessment, is carried out to help identify which languages have the most urgent needs as well as which dialect(s) of those languages would be the most strategic basis for developing literature. The data they gather about languages and dialects informs strategic planning efforts and resource allocation. Surveyors are always in short supply.

• Pray for people working to recruit and train more surveyors. Praise God that more Nigerians are called to serve others within their own nation, including through Bible translation and language survey efforts. Ask God to give qualified young linguists an increasing vision of the need for language survey.

• As challenging as it is to do the actual survey, it can be even harder to patiently sit down and write up the results. Pray for surveyor Mike as he finishes four survey reports. Pray that his write-ups will be clear and insightful and lead to good decisions regarding future Bible translation.


Ezanya said...

My name is Ezanya and I dont know if Cynthia Heren has mentioned me to you. I have family in Nigeria and I will like to know what part of Nigeria you will be going to. I will be praying...

Chris Winkler said...

Hi Ezanya...Bob did mention you to us once. We will be living in Jos when we get to Nigeria. We appreciate your prayers!

Ezanya said...

Hi Chris,
I have not been to Jos but my Uncle knows quite a bit about Jos- he went to college there.
Let me know if there is anything I can do... I will keep on praying.

Chris Winkler said...

Thanks again, Ezanya!