Saturday, December 02, 2006

A Disturbing Revelation About My Fingers

My fingers are small.

This was made painfully aware to me by a man at the jewelery counter at JC Penney today. Christie and I were looking at wedding bands for me, and most of the styles come in sizes of 10 or higher. I, as it turns out, wear a 7.5. So we went on-line, thinking that there would be a better selection there. WRONG. The lowest size was 8.5.

Do I really have such small fingers that no major jeweler or department store carries a ring within one full size of my own? The answer, sadly, is yes.

(A disclaimer: plain white gold bands are available in my size, but this is the ONLY style available. We're looking into other options...)


Unknown said...

Does your small fingers give you insight about your frisbee game? Ever jump up and try to catch a disc, but those fingers just couldn't make it? How about thumb wrestling? Or video games?

Unknown said...

Well at least your hands are big enough to write notes all over!
Happy wedding buddy! I wish I could be there.

An and Derek said...

Less than a week til the big day! May God bless you sooooooooooooo richly and we pray for awesome weather and a beautiful day. Can't wait to see pics! Hope I'll get to meet your girl some day!
love, Andrea

Mindy said...

congratulations on your upcoming wedding! i found your blog linking through jen (bodine) wolthius, megs, mark & tara foreman...

Not sure if you'll remember me from Hope Ultimate... I lived with Sam (Sandro) Cressler and played for a couple of years. Anyway, best wishes to you and your fiance!

-Mindy (Chamberlain) Denning