Wednesday, November 16, 2005

The First Snow!

snow on shed
Originally uploaded by Chris Winkler.
This one is for all of you out there who wish you were in snowy weather (e.g. home) while you're stuck in single-climate San Francisco.

The first snow of the year (to my knowledge) hit this afternoon. I looked out the window a few minutes ago and this is what I saw. It's not really accumulating, but with a couple more days with this cold snap, it will be.

There is a running joke in our family (although it's spreading outside the family now) that whenever a big snow hits, it's because my mom and dad are going to visit one of their boys. Maybe I'm cursed with this...I'm supposed to go to Traverse City tomorrow (hour and a half away), and the weather isn't looking good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous.. I miss snow! (though I'm sure that when I'm home for Christmas for 2 weeks I'll be ready for CA warmth again..) :)