Saturday, July 21, 2007

Swim Lessons

For the first time in something like 15 years, I'll be taking swim lessons.

There have been valiant attempts before to teach me to swim: my friend George offering me a swim lesson if I taught him tennis (high school); lessons through the county (middle school); random people offering me the miracle 15-minute lesson. Nothing stuck.

But I'm tired of being afraid to go out in water over my head, I know that learning to swim will be necessary when we move overseas, and if that wasn't enough to push me to take lessons, there was the little canoe accident out in northern California a few years ago.

Pray for me that I would be a good student and that the methods taught would stick with me. Classes are 40 minutes long and run Monday-Thursday for the next two weeks.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Buy One Get One Free to the MAX

Several months ago, when we were just married, Christie was still figuring out how to shop and cook for a guy who loved to eat...but also loved (and needed) to eat healthy. She knew that I liked Kashi cereal--one of the least-processed cereals that they sell in regular grocery stores.

So when Kashi went on sale one week at Winn-Dixie, Christie stocked up! This picture was taken to document the rationale for Winn-Dixie never again failing to put a limit on its Buy One Get One Free deals.

And yes, there really are 30 boxes of cereal there. It only took us (me) about three months to go through them...with the exception of a few boxes that people decided to ask if they could take. We must have looked like a store or food pantry or something.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Adventure on Half-Dome

Check out this blog posting by my friend Ryan. The trip he references was the one the best experiences of my life--and a highlight of all the hiking trips we took in California. Read the article he links to first, as it gives good background of the harrowing experience the hike can be.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Rental Cars and Airport Parking

On my way to work every day, depending on the route I take, I pass several car lots that offer two services: airport parking and rental cars.

Every time I pass one of these places, I have to laugh--does anyone ever get suspicious parking their car and leaving it at a place that also specializes in loaning out cars to other people?

Makes me think twice!